How to Find Your Way?

5 tips to succeed and be happy

Siddharth Bhader


“Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?”

Whenever I’ve been asked this question they’ve always caught me off guard, I admit.

I have always seen it as a somewhat uncomfortable question, because spontaneously I would never have been able to give an answer at the moment. I knew, however, that I would keep thinking about it.

Did it happen to you too?

Of course, when we are little everything is much easier, we are used to attributing all important decisions to our parents.

But when we start growing and trying to establish our own identity, how difficult can it be to figure out how to find our own path ?

If during the university we realize that we don’t really like the course of study undertaken that much, or the work we are doing does not fully reflect our values, who do we turn to?

And above all, what do we do to not feel lost?

Here are 5 tips that will help you figure out how to find your way!

1. Learn to stop

Before starting the journey to understand how to find your way, the first thought I think we should really focus on is to stop .

We are so used to running during our days, that at some point we risk not knowing where we are going.

It always happens to me! But what to do in these cases?

Here, personally, when I feel I’m fumbling in all this chaos, what helps me so much is to stop and take control of myself.

Then there are totally different periods in which, instead, it seems to us that every day is the same as the previous one, full of everything and at the same time of nothing.

Those are the classic moments in which we seem to always perform the same actions over and over.

Gradually, we feel empty and think we are wasting time.

Also in this case, I think that stopping can be the first step necessary to stop wasting time and take your life in hand.

Here, now that you have put a stop to everything and you have decided to stop, we can move on to the next tip that can help you understand how to find your way by listening!

2. How to find your way by listening to yourself

This is an important point, and I myself struggle to put into practice what I am about to say , I admit.

Generally it is easy to choose to please others, in order not to disappoint the expectations of those around us.

But how difficult is it in some cases to listen to yourself, develop a “healthy selfishness” and think for yourself without the fear of judgment?

Always ask yourself: Am I chasing my dreams or someone else’s?

If during your activities you realize that what you do makes others proud but not you specifically, then it means that something needs to be changed.

Very often we are the first enemies of ourselves, we think that if we are born in a way we cannot change , or that if we are not inclined for something then it is not even worth trying.

This means having a static mentality , that is, seeing one’s abilities and personal characteristics in a deterministic way, therefore impossible to change.

You might be surprised if you knew that there is also another kind of mindset, the dynamic mindset . This allows you to have an inner dialogue so stimulating as to increase your skills in full awareness.

Right now, the only person who can answer the question “How to find your way?” it is you.

Digging within ourselves to frame desires and priorities is not easy.

Once we have chosen our goal to achieve , however, we can focus on getting the first results .

3. Find out what your passions are

Whether it’s writing or skydiving, our passions make us feel alive , help us feel good and provoke a kind of fulfillment in us.

Some people think that as we age we should stop pursuing our passions, but I disagree.

Indeed, I believe that it is precisely in this way that in the end you understand how to find your own path and also how to make your passion into a job.

Think about it for a moment: a man like Jimi Hendrix would never have become a great artist if he hadn’t had his passion for music first and foremost.

What I mean, then, is that a great way to find your vocation is to reflect on the things we love to do .

Setting yourself casual or uninspiring goals can become a burden in the long run. In fact, we risk managing our time badly, taking it away from what we really wanted to do.

Passions, on the other hand, are something involving.

If grown and maintained over time, they manage to get us out of our comfort zone .

And what if we find ourselves struggling with more interests? If we don’t have a well-defined vocation, then is this to be considered wrong?

Absolutely not.

This only means that you are a multipotential , that is, an eclectic and malleable person, with multiple different interests between them.

I found myself in this definition and it was a great relief to understand that it’s okay to have so many things that fascinate me!

We all have that something that we particularly like, in which we meet again and that we feel “ours”.

Finding a way to turn your passion into a job can help us understand what to do in our life and find our place in the world.

4. Get inspired

Are we sure that we are always surrounded by the right people?

When we are in doubt and still don’t have a clear idea of ​​what to do with our life, looking at others can help us.

There is nothing wrong with seeking inspiration in someone who has achieved their goal, perhaps even similar to ours.

Surrounding yourself with positive people, with your same values ​​and with whom to share doubts and passions , can be essential to understand how to find your own path.

Being inspired by someone can help you, just as knowing the path taken by those who have pursued their dreams and managed to make them come true can give you new incentives to overcome your limits .

Last but not least, let’s move on to the fifth tip to understand how to find your way!

5. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes

We all know it, but every now and then it’s good to remember: we are not infallible.

Accepting it is not easy, but failure is part of the path and, it will seem absurd, it can also help us understand how to find our way.

Do not pass an exam, do not enter the selections to enter a prestigious academy, do not win a competition, these are all events that can happen, but this does not mean we must be discouraged or think we have everything wrong .

On the contrary, failure can help us first of all to understand if the path we have taken is really the right one for us and, in addition, it also helps us to develop a resilience mindset .

Being resilient means, more simply, being able to react better in the face of difficulties , taking these situations “head on”.

Soft skills of this type can really be useful, especially when you are facing an important journey like this, in which you try to understand how to find your way.

In short, making mistakes does not necessarily mean failing , because very often from mistakes we can discover what we really want to do, the sacrifices we are willing to make and, above all, it makes us more courageous .

Not to be underestimated, mistakes also help us develop great patience , which ultimately can be considered the real secret of success .


Understanding how to find your own path is not an easy path , you can often feel misunderstood and moments of discouragement can occur.

We can change our minds a lot of times and develop other interests in the meantime.

The important thing is not to let yourself be discouraged.

Furthermore, never think that this is a trip to be done alone or that we have to face everything alone.

As I also told you in point 4, getting in touch with people who share your values , your passions and your path, can stimulate you to give your best.

In short, dealing with positive people who can inspire us can really help you find your way and achieve your goals.



Siddharth Bhader

Freelancer Writer: who loves to write on health, relationship, business & self-development