The Most Important Thing In Relationship: Communication

The importance of communication in a relationship

Siddharth Bhader


Whether it’s with someone important to you, communication with someone important in your life is key to the development or maintenance of any relationship. Without communication, things can mix and get lost or completely forgotten. Communication is sometimes fully reviewed or taken for granted. Effective communication rarely happens naturally for many people. It’s often something people have to work on in their relationships. Although difficult, communicating effectively with your partner is possible and well worth it. Establishing such healthy communication in a relationship is very important for a number of reasons.

Why communication is important in a relationship

~To reduce conflicts and resolve them quickly

Conflicts in a relationship will be dealt with by every couple at some point. In fact, not all conflicts are bad. But you need to be healthy and get it done quickly. If you can’t resolve the conflict and one or both partners intentionally hurt each other, it’s unhealthy. “You’re forcing anger on your opponent through aggressive communication,” says Entrepreneur’s Anne Grady. Obviously, this is not a wholesome approach when talking to the person you love the most. The most important thing for resolving conflict is healthy communication. Being clear about what your partner has done to hurt you and how you preferred them will go a long way in your relationship. Good communication skills can help you resolve conflicts quickly and healthily with your partner.

~when doing long distances

Good communication skills are very important when for some reason the relationship has to be a long distance. You may have to work in another city or spend long hours with your family far away from your spouse. Whatever your reason for doing long distances, it can put a strain on your relationship. A lack of good communication can lead couples to feel distant and disconnected from each other. Communication is very important when you can’t see other people every day, every week or longer. Because you have to consciously communicate with that person. It is much easier to communicate effectively if you meet them in person.

When you go long distances with your partner, you need to put more effort into your relationship. It may sound like cheese, but good communication through any medium is the only way to keep a relationship healthy. Relationships aren’t something you can check every now and then and assume everything will be fine. Whether new or old, the development of a relationship depends on the intent and thoroughness with which people communicate.

~they are your best friends

Investing in relationships can bring you many benefits in life. The person you’re having a relationship with is probably your best friend, your partner, and the person you’re looking for. Many people consider a partner to be their best friend. Indeed, according to Dr. John Gottman of the Gottman Institute, friendships are the foundation of healthy relationships. In other words, good friendships are necessary for good relationships. However, the term “best friend” only makes sense if the relationship develops over time. Your partner can be your best friend, but if you don’t communicate with them properly, you can lose contact and lose communication links. It is important to communicate with your partner, so the two of you can develop a friendship that will improve your relationship.

~deeper than the surface level

Some healthy communication is usually better than none at all. But small talk can sometimes be nothing more than entertainment or silence. Communication is a great tool for digging deep into someone and who they really are. It may help to understand why they are. You can have multiple surface-level friendships, but they must be on a deeper level with your opponent. At the end of the day, a surface-level relationship won’t satisfy you. However, communication will help you maintain a more meaningful relationship.

It can be difficult to reveal about something trapped inside. Common barriers to being open to people arise from childhood trauma, eating disorders, and previous unhealthy relationships. But you never know if your partner has gone through something similar and can help with the trip. So, putting your best effort into these things can be beneficial. This can improve your relationship overall and help you explore new sides of each other that you might not have found otherwise. If you think there are factors that are preventing you from deepening your relationship with others, it is a good idea to seek counseling.

How to better communicate with your partner

Learning how to better communicate with your partner can take your relationship to a whole new level. It’s important to note that everyone communicates very differently. So keep this in mind when exploring new ways to communicate with your partner.

~learn their love language

It may be helpful to ask the person what’s your love language(not directly). Love language can be an important factor to consider as it is directly related to communication. Someone’s love language can be a positive word. So how you communicate affects how you identify someone. In this case, you can do it verbally. Another method of communication is physical contact. How will the other person feel if you act stupid or distant? Learning how your partner wants to be loved and give love will go a long way in your relationship.

~Build friendships with partners

As mentioned above, friendship is the foundation of a satisfying romantic relationship. Therefore, it will be very beneficial to communicate with your partner and intentionally form relationships. To form a relationship in the first place, emotions are usually processed and then passed on to ensure both parties are on the same page. Navigating a new relationship can be difficult and confusing if the other person cannot communicate where they are. You can’t form a solid foundation on something that’s not clear. At the beginning of a relationship, it is important for both of you to define your goals, needs, and vision for the relationship. Even if not everything is written in stone, a normal conversation can make sure everything is heading in the right direction and flowing smoothly.

~Remind me that you are still interested

When you’re in a relationship, it can be very important to let them know that you still care about the other person. This sounds like it could be assumed. But as life goes on and on, expressing emotions and feelings can be forgotten or forgotten in the mix. It’s worth taking a few moments to remind your loved ones that you care for them and care about what happened during the day. If your partner is struggling with issues like job loss, eating disorders, or family problems, providing support is even more important. Even if you don’t articulate your feelings on a daily basis, small acts of kindness can show love or affection. It is possible to “communicate” through the little things. This could include cooking your favorite food, writing cards, folding laundry, or buying your favorite snack from the grocery store.

~keep their lives

To keep up to date with what’s happening in your partner’s life, both sides need to communicate how your day was, upcoming events, what you had for lunch, and more. These things don’t sound pivotal at first glance. But the little things in someone’s life can add up to become a big problem. When you lose details in the mix, it can be difficult for the other person to understand exactly how you are feeling. At the end of the day, the little things in life can make you who you are. Do you want your partner to miss the little things that make you unique?

~Find out your preferred way to communicate

Different people may have different preferences for communication in general. Means of communication may include face-to-face speaking, texting, video calls, email, or snail mail. No matter how you like it, you need to express yourself so that the other person can communicate with you in a way that is pleasing to you. Certainly each method has its pros and cons. If someone is distracted by another dilemma, doesn’t check their mail or phone, or makes a conscious effort to stay in the loop, communication links can go down or flow at a slow rate.

Verbal and non-verbal communication can play a huge role in a relationship. Sure, your voice may be saying one thing, but if your body language is saying something else, it can send a mixed signal. It is important to recognize non-verbal types of communication. This can include eye contact levels, facial expressions, posture, hand gestures, proximity, tone of voice, and more. Sometimes you may unintentionally make strange facial expressions or keep your distance. Your partner may catch your out-of-the-ordinary behavior or mixed messages.

~Be a good listener

Be an active listener when talking to your partner. Active listening is a gentle technique that puts all the focus on your partner. According to the American Peace Research Institute, active listening can improve mutual understanding between people. This is very important in any relationship. You may be communicating effectively and to the best of your ability, but your partner needs to demonstrate their active listening skills. Communication is a two-way street with winding roads and potholes. Conflicts can be resolved much slower and less effectively when only one person practices active listening. This is why both partners should practice active listening in their relationship.

If you take a step back and think about yourself lately, are you listening to what others are saying to you? Are you moving from point A to point B through motion? Asking your partner if they can improve communication can potentially help your relationship. If you’ve received feedback from your partner or someone else in your life that you’re not an active listener, try improving. It’s important to engage in conversations as crazy as life can feel.

~Ventilation to help relieve stress and avoid tension

Have you ever had a bad day and felt the need to pour your heart out to someone to get out of your chest? Trusting the person you’re in a relationship with enough to put stress on them shows how much you trust them. Honest communication builds a higher level of trust because you know what’s going on in your life. Also, when you let them know what is frustrating you in your life, you can feel secure that you are not angry with them. It is easy for your partner to worry when people are not feeling well or are sad about something. They were angry with them. Letting them know how you feel can help them feel more secure in your relationship. Also, releasing stress to someone can help them feel less trapped inside and provide a way of relief.

~Respect your partners

If there is something that needs to be removed from your chest, it is better to deal with it calmly and respectfully. Respect while communicating can help the other person hear what you are saying. Even acting politely in general communicates and shows that you have some level of feelings for the person. This can be romantic or friendship level.

~Prevent sending mixed messages

What are you talking about? It’s important to communicate exactly what you mean when you’re in a relationship. A mixed message is unclear communication and can cause a lot of confusion among people. Transparency helps fix tensions or conflicts because it can help people get to the point by going down to a deeper level of conversation. When communicating with your partner, be as transparent as possible and avoid sending mixed messages. Being intentional about communicating clearly can greatly improve your relationship.



Siddharth Bhader

Freelancer Writer: who loves to write on health, relationship, business & self-development